Marketing by Explaining Technology


Since we (BioMeder) invited everyone to share technical articles, we’ve started getting questions from readers asking: “What is a technical article? ” It’s a great question. How do we explain “technical articles”? Does it mean writing a bulleted outline, or perhaps a template or guideline in an article? I’ve been pondering how to articulate this in a way that is both accurate and accessible. After all, a technical article isn’t a resume, nor is it a thesis. There’s no strict format for it. Generally, what readers are looking for is a well-structured article that can convey technical information in a concise and understandable manner. So, what exactly is it?

The following insights are simply my personal take based on my experiences and reading articles on Internet, just like everyone else does. It’s not from a professional in journalism or media studies.

Understanding your purpose

Compared to press releases (primarily for announcing events) and advertorials (storytelling to promote events or products), which still both primarily serve the purpose of disseminating information, people are more eager to learn about the technology itself, rather than simply seeing the author promote their products or announce news by reading technical articles. To put it bluntly, I would ask the author: “What is the purpose with this article? Do you want to introduce your technology (technical article), sell your product (advertising copy), showcase your company’s capabilities and achievements (advertorial), or announce an event (press release)?”

Of course, most of time, we would get the answer, “Who would like to introduce technology? We prefer to sell products!”

Target your audiences

Before we discuss the purpose of articles, let’s talk about the target audiences for each of these types.

News releases published in media outlets are aimed at the public. People usually just glance at them. In this age of information overload, we’re bombarded with more information than we can possibly consume. Most of time, we only read the headlines. We won’t click to read an article if we are not really interested in the topic. On the other hand, advertorials have a more tale style. They package the message they want to convey in a more engaging way, making it seem less commercial and more approachable. Readers are more likely to accept this softer approach. As for advertising copy, I believe everyone has seen plenty of it, especially in today’s era of group shopping in social media. Its main purpose is to introduce a product and share user experiences, so people know how to use the product and how good it is. The audience for these types of content is relatively broad, meaning the content needs to be suitable for everyone to read. Readers passively receive this information. However, when it comes to advertising copy of products, the primary goal is to attract potential customers. Those who are interested in purchasing the product will read it more carefully and make a purchase. The audience for technical articles is quite different. They are genuinely interested in the topic and actively search for keywords online to find information.

Timing is Everything

In many aspects of our life, achieving success hinges on the right time, place, and people. Choosing the right timing and article type for exposure is also a skill.

If you choose an inappropriate article for exposure, no matter how good the content is, it might be a waste of effort due to improper expression and methods. For instance, if your sales team wants media coverage for an upcoming trade show, a colleague might suggest reusing articles previously published in international academic journals. While these articles undoubtedly contain rich and substantial content, they might not be suitable for general news websites. General website readers are not all scholars or experts like you. Many people attend trade shows casually. Publishing overly in-depth articles can not only fail to attract attention but may also give the impression that the company is careless or lazy in its presentation.

So, when should you use which type of article? It’s quite simple. You can start by conducting a brief survey of your target audience. For example, if you want to publish an article in a professional magazine to enhance your company’s image, you can ask people around you how they perceive a company’s image through articles. Do they want to know the company’s founding story, culture, or plans in the future? By addressing these areas of interest, you can write an article that is suitable for publication.

Writing and editing are two distinct processes

The presentation of an article depends not only on the author but also on the quality of editing. Each writer, due to their unique background, experiences, and expertise, approaches and perceives things differently. We’ve all experienced this: when different people describe the same event, the outcomes and audience reactions vary. While the original author is undoubtedly the originator and planner of the content, their expression is often limited by their personal background and experiences, sometimes even reflecting their personality. However, since our articles are published online, they must not only be informative but also readable and easy to understand. This requires a lot of attention to the language, which is where the editor’s knowledge, sensitivity, and attention to detail become invaluable. Technical articles, from writing to editing, require both expertise and a comfortable expression that cannot be overlooked.

We often encounter situations that professionals are so dedicated in their primary work that they have little time for writing. Because they don’t write frequently, it takes them a relatively long time to sit down and write. In such cases, it is advisable to seek the assistance of a professional ghostwriter in the relevant field.

Marketing through explaining your technology

BioMeder is a niche reading website. Many readers stumble upon it through online searches and were guided here by specific keywords. These readers are “active” seekers, meaning they’ve come prepared with a specific query. Naturally, they don’t want to just skim the title and move on; they’re looking for a thorough read to find the information they need.

Having said that, I hope everyone approaches this without too many preconceived notions. Let’s return to the original purpose of a writing article. Whether your goal is to market a product, build your personal or company image, or simply to share something you find interesting, starting with a well-written technical article is a great way to achieve this. This is because that technical articles allow for a more focused approach. Therefore, when it comes to writing, you may just simply focus on sharing your technical knowledge.

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BIOMEDER aims to drive innovation in societies and industries through knowledge. To build up that influence, we broadcast biomedical knowledge on our blog/magazine style website, 《BioMeder》and podcast program, 《BioMeder's Life Journey》. Additionally, we run consulting services to help clients solve technical problems in product life cycles and accelerate their research.





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